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Disabled children and young people set to benefit from South West Water grant

06th December 2021

A Cornish charity service that supports disabled children and young people has been awarded funding by South West Water to provide short breaks this summer and autumn

For over 30 years, Action for Children’s Cornwall SPACE has given hundreds of disabled children and young people across the county exciting new activities to try, whilst providing families with an all-important short break.

The £5,000 grant from South West Water’s Neighbourhood Fund will enable up to 96 youngsters aged five to 18 to take part in 12 sessions across Cornwall throughout the summer and into autumn. The three-hour workshops will include yoga, movement and creative art and craft activities.

While the participants enjoy the activities, parents and family members will also get to rest and recharge, spend more time with siblings or go and do things that are difficult to do while looking after a disabled child.

Laura-Beth Coates from Cornwall SPACE said: “Since the pandemic began many of our clients have been isolating, and have not been physically active, or able to connect with other people of their own age.

“We have sought other ways to connect with our clients online and, where possible, in socially distanced walks and door stop visits, but the lack of physical contact, activity and outdoor activity has had a huge negative impact on both our clients and their families.

“These sessions will help our community of young people from across Cornwall to be active again, have fun and connect with each other, allowing them to develop new skills and promoting wellbeing.”

Jo Ecroyd, Customer Service Director of South West Water, said: “We are thrilled to support such a vital service in Cornwall. The lack of access to appropriate short breaks, coupled with poor access to school, social isolation and financial concerns has meant that the pandemic has had a disproportionate effect of families of disabled children. We’re delighted that our funding will enable more young people to reconnect and be physically active once again.” 

This funding comes as part of South West Water’s Neighbourhood Fund to support community groups and initiatives which will improve the lives of residents in Devon, Cornwall and Dorset by inspiring physical activities, enhancing education, health and wellbeing and delivering positive environmental outcomes.

The local community groups which are benefitting from the Neighbourhood Fund have been struck by the effects of the pandemic due to a limited supply of cash and the inability to receive funds through typical methods of fundraising.

To find out more about the South West Water Neighbourhood Fund, visit southwestwater.co.uk/community/support/neighbourhood-fund

To find out more about Cornwall Space, visit actionforchildren.org.uk/how-we-can-help/our-local-services/find-our-services-near-you/cornwall-space/

For further information please contact:

South West Water 
