Why work in partnership with us?
The WaterCare Team is dedicated to helping vulnerable customers by providing holistic support through our affordability and welfare services. These range from discounting or capping a water bill to supporting our customers in repaying their outstanding balance. We can also support our vulnerable customers by delivering water in an emergency, send them large print letters or read their meter several times a year. Our support can be fully tailored to a customer's needs.
Our unique community outreach team can provide support over the phone, online and even through personal home visits where we can review documentation and completed applications on the customers behalf.
We understand how important our partnerships are to help our customers receive the correct support, especially as not every customer is in a position where they feel able to reach out to us. This why we created the WaterCare Hub, enabling our trusted partners to access our support on our customers behalf. Our user-friendly application for support allows you to apply for all available support including the WaterCare and WaterSure Tariffs and debt support through ReStart and FreshStart. You can also find details on the events the WaterCare Team will be attending along with examples of how our partnerships have helped customers on our Latest News page.
Come and meet us!
We regularly attend and host events all across the south west to help promote our services and help our customers apply to them, pleaes click here to find out where we plan to be so you and your clients can come and see us.
To keep the water flowing, we need your help.
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Every drop counts