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South West Water funding to provide fun and progressive activities for children with special needs

06th December 2021

Children with special needs and disabilities will enjoy year-round support through out of school activities in Exeter thanks to a £5,000 grant from South West Water.

The Hollow Lane Club is a small local Devon based charity dedicated to enhancing the lives of children and young people with complex special needs and their families, and provides exciting and progressive activities across three locations in Devon.

The charity was set up by parents and staff at Ellen Tinkham School in 2002, after recognising the importance of an out of school club that would meet the needs of both the children and their parents.

Supporting children and young people aged from three to 25, the club provides opportunities to socialise and engage in fun and stimulating recreational activities.

With support and guidance from experienced playworkers, the club aims to reduce the isolation experienced by those with physical and learning disabilities and their families.

The Hollow Lane Club’s Chief Executive, Steve Offord, said: “Feeling isolated and unable to form or maintain friendships are common in families with children with complex disabilities.

“Our club offers places to people who are commonly excluded from mainstream clubs and activities due to the nature of their disabilities and high support needs.

“Thanks to this funding from South West Water we can continue to provide opportunities for children, young people and families to meet, get to know each other and develop friendship and support networks.”

Jo Ecroyd, Customer Service Director of South West Water, said: “Everybody deserves the chance to meet new friends and enjoy fun activities and we’re delighted our support will help The Hollow Lane Club provide these opportunities.”

This funding comes as part of South West Water’s Neighbourhood Fund to support community groups and initiatives which will improve the lives of residents in Devon, Cornwall and Dorset by inspiring physical activities, enhancing education, health and wellbeing and delivering positive environmental outcomes.

The local community groups which are benefitting from the Neighbourhood Fund have been struck by the effects of the pandemic due to a limited supply of cash and the inability to receive funds through typical methods of fundraising.

To find out more about the South West Water Neighbourhood Fund, visit southwestwater.co.uk/community/support/neighbourhood-fund

To find out more about the Hollow Lane Club, visit hollowlane.org.uk/

For further information please contact:

South West Water 
